In recombinant, the spectators enter an open space where they can circulate freely like visitors to an installation. The performers are already in interaction with images and sounds, which they alter by means of sensors. They then manipulate four mobile projection surfaces – curved and angular, opaque and translucent – , constantly reconfiguring the performance space. Their manipulations cause a set of changing architectural constructions to appear, calling on the spectators to change position.
As they move, the audience members access multiple points of view, transparencies, and layers of images and sounds. The performers’ bodies multiply, reflected not only in the mechanical, but also in the media extensions. They become the pivots of a time-organizing machine and take part in setting in place an auto-poiëtic system. What stood out in the creation of this piece in artistic terms was the particular attention given to the perpetual reconfiguration of the performance space in relation to the spectators’ movements and changing positions. This switching back and forth between shifting positions and the physical cohabitation of the performers and the spectators provided an occasion for what may be termed crowd sociology/choreography.
Conception and artistic direction: Martin Kusch and Marie-Claude Poulin
Choreographic work: Marie-Claude Poulin
Media environment: Martin Kusch
Sound environment: Alexandre St-Onge
Installation: Martin Kusch in collaboration with Louis-Philippe St-Arnault
Performance: Catherine Tardif and Martin Bélanger
Programmation: Alexandre Burton
Sensor development: Johan Versteegh and Glenn Silver (Technology Playgroup)
Banff New Media Institute, ZKM Centre for the Arts Karlsruhe, Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault, Maisons de la culture Mercier and Mont-Royal, and Agora de la danse in Montreal
Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec, Canada Council for the Arts, Conseil des Arts de Montréal
2006 Maison de la Culture Notre Dame de Grace, Montreal / CA
2006 Agora de la Danse, Montreal / CA
2006 Maison de la Culture Frontenac, Montreal / CA
2005 Particules festival, Geneva / CH
2005 Mois Multi, Méduse, Quebec City / CA
2004 Transcodex festival, Genoa / IT
2004 ZKM, Karlsruhe / DE
2003 Maison de la Culture Mont-Royal, Montreal / CA
2003 Frame festival, Porto / PT