


The body as an interface

interactive-tactile choreographic installations


Spectators collaborate with each other to influence the media environment by activating tactile sensors distributed on the performers’ bodies and in the installation (multi-user artistic environments).

In passage, each of the composing elements – images, sounds, and choreography – is developed into specific scenes and motives. Inside a theatre or a gallery, the spectator enters an intimate space to find him- or herself in a tête-à-tête with one performer, whose body is offered as an interface to the media environment, a terrain for exploration. In response to the spectator’s interventions, she draws from a bank of previously-defined behaviours and choreographic scenes, and alternates between performative states that are very different, depending to the scene (auto-manipulation, solicitation-retreat, zipper, system reset, conversation, greeting dance, grimace, Sears, and standby).

Each of these scenes is articulated within a specific visual and sound environment, always in relation to the themes of social interaction, intimacy, playfulness, and mutual availability. passage was presented in a variety of contexts – a museum, a dance festival, and an electronic arts festival – triggering a range of reactions from spectators, from a collaborative “jam session” with the performer to more contemplative, sensitive and playful interaction.




Concept and artistic direction: Martin Kusch and Marie-Claude Poulin
Choreographic work: Marie-Claude Poulin
Contribution to the choreographic research: Benoît Lachambre and Dominique Porte
Dramaturg: Armando Menicacci
Dance and performance: Catherine Tardif
Media environment and visual performance: Martin Kusch
Composition and sound performance: Alexandre St-Onge
Collaboration to the sound environment: Alexander Wilson
Installation/scenography: Martin Kusch in collaboration with Éric Belley
Costume: Linda Brunelle
Light design: Éric Belley
Sensor system: Technology Playgroup Inc. and Samuel St-Aubin
Consultation to the software programming: Alexandre Burton
Technical direction: Éric Belley


Centre de création O Vertigo, Montreal
Circuit Est Centre Chorégraphique, Montreal

With the support of:

Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Canada Council for the Arts,
Conseil des Arts de Montréal

Exhibitions / Shows

2009 Agora de la Danse, Montreal / CA

2008 Cynetart festival, Festpielhaus Hellerau, Dresden / DE

2008 Fabrik Potsdam, Potsdam / DE

2008 Tanztendenzen festival, Pommersches Landesmuseum, Greifswald / DE

2007 Bains numeriques, Enghien-les-Bains / FR