kondition pluriel:
marie-claude poulin & martin kusch
kondition pluriel is known for its research, development and creation activities in the fields of performative installations and interactive environments. The group’s creations and the theoretical debate generated by its performances have made it a reference in the field that combines live arts and media arts. Based in Montreal, kondition pluriel produces performances and installations presented in galleries, public spaces, museums and theatres around the world.
The company was founded in 2000 by Marie-Claude Poulin and Martin Kusch. Marie-Claude has worked as a dancer, notably with Benoît Lachambre and Meg Stuart. Trained in kinanthropology, she has taught in the field of somatic education for many years. Martin studied visual and media arts. He is currently practicing in that field and teaches at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.
The main projects realized and presented in Canada and abroad by kondition pluriel are Swarming Lounge, Diver, Future Room, At Play, Enjeux, E/M/D/L / Liminal spaces, Digital Accidents, [In code], Inner Voices, Intérieur, abandoned, passage, the puppet, recombinant, Myriorama, entre-deux, schème II and schème. These works are completed from one to the other by means of the questions they address. kondition pluriel has performed at numerous major international events such as Festival International de Nouvelle Danse de Montréal, Dance Umbrella (London), Dance2002 (Munich), ISEA (Nagoya and Helsinki), Transcodex (Rome and Genoa), Interatividades (São Paulo), ZKM (Karlsruhe), Transmediale (Berlin) and CYNETart (Dresden).